My junior high students have asked me to prepare materials and content to study for the EIKEN test in Japan. I was asked to prepare test booklets, study resources and materials that will help them achieve good results. I have about 9 students who are studying for it and they are all looking to target different levels. 4 are going for the 3rd level exam, 3 are going for the pre-2nd level, and 1 is going for the 2nd-level exam and one for the pre-1st level.
So I spent about 2-3 hours yesterday during my free time printing up loads of materials for the kids to study. I got them all the past year's tests as well as speaking activity, booklets, and a word list of 2000 commonly used English vocabulary that kids should know by the time they graduate. For the pre-1st, he'll need to know about 8000-9000 vocabulary words so I plan on upping his to a level more appropriate next week.
I also am going to assign each kid reading material, specifically graded readers from the penguin and Cambridge reader selections to be completed over the holidays. I have about 2600 readers that have gathered over my many years as a teacher and will assign them books to read based on their levels. I plan to give them a CD with the PDF books to read on their computers, tablets or smartphones over the summer holiday.

I hope that by giving them good quality, interesting stories that use the 95/5 principle to get them excelling in reading as well as prepping them to tackle the EIKEN. The 95/5 rule is basically that children should know 95 percent of the vocabulary in a text with 5 percent unknown to grow and excel. Any less than that and it is too difficult, any more and it is too easy and children will lose interest. Of course I also plan to tackle the speaking and listening parts as well. We will have a mock test in August to assess their weaknesses and strengths. Preparing for the EIKEN is a tough job. I hope they do well.
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